Art. 62 DSA

Structure of the Board

  1. The Board shall be composed of Digital Services Coordinators who shall be represented by high-level officials. The failure by one or more Member States to designate a Digital Services Coordinator shall not prevent the Board from performing its tasks under this Regulation. Where provided for by national law, other competent authorities entrusted with specific operational responsibilities for the application and enforcement of this Regulation alongside the Digital Services Coordinator may participate in the Board. Other national authorities may be invited to the meetings, where the issues discussed are of relevance for them.

  2. The Board shall be chaired by the Commission. The Commission shall convene the meetings and prepare the agenda in accordance with the tasks of the Board pursuant to this Regulation and in line with its rules of procedure. When the Board is requested to adopt a recommendation pursuant to this Regulation, it shall immediately make the request available to other Digital Services Coordinators through the information sharing system set out in Article 85.

  3. Each Member State shall have one vote. The Commission shall not have voting rights.

    The Board shall adopt its acts by simple majority. When adopting a recommendation to the Commission referred to in Article 36(1), first subparagraph, the Board shall vote within 48 hours after the request of the Chair of the Board.

  4. The Commission shall provide administrative and analytical support for the activities of the Board pursuant to this Regulation.

  5. The Board may invite experts and observers to attend its meetings, and may cooperate with other Union bodies, offices, agencies and advisory groups, as well as external experts as appropriate. The Board shall make the results of this cooperation publicly available.

  6. The Board may consult interested parties, and shall make the results of such consultation publicly available.

  7. The Board shall adopt its rules of procedure, following the consent of the Commission.